发布时间: 2017-03-14  作者:  浏览次数: 236

报 告 人:王钻开


  时 间:3月16日10:00

  地 点:逸夫楼一楼报告厅

  报告内容:Phase change is a classical thermodynamics process involving the phase transitions between liquid-vapor and solid. Over the past century, extensive efforts have been made in the understanding and controlling of  phase transition due to its beauty in science and potential applications in the energy saving and national security, power generation, cooling and environment. However, traditional designs are subject to fundamental constraints imposed by the complexity of the multiscale and multiphase process. Learning from nature provides us new insights, new concept, and new methodology to design new surface and new platform to achieve advanced functionalities which are not available using the traditional methods.This talk will discuss our recent efforts in the developing a general bio-inspired approach that can fundamentally change the phase transitions for enhanced phase change heat transfer by controlling surface/interface morphology and chemistry.


  王钻开,香港城市大学机械与生物医学系副教授, 2016年入选教育部长江讲座教授。2008年获伦斯勒理工学院机械工程博士学位,曾在美国哥伦比亚大学生物医学工程进行博士后研究。在Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Physical Review Letters等杂志上以通讯作者发表多篇高水平论文。其科研成果被Nature, Nature News, Nature Physics News & Views, New York Times, MaterialsView等多次专题和封面报道,获国际仿生学会杰出青年奖(2016)、OSA 青年科学家奖(2016)等多个奖项。

          石油工程学院 科技处 港澳台事务办公室


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