Lattice Boltzmann method: 21st century modeling tool and application to the Biscayne aquifer of Southeast Florida
发布时间: 2015-03-10  作者:  浏览次数: 257

题目:Lattice Boltzmann method:21st century modeling tool and application to the Biscayne aquifer of Southeast Florida



主讲人:Michael Sukop 博士


MICHAEL C. SUKOP, Associate Professor of Hydrogeology, Florida International University. He got his BS at The Pennsylvania State University, MS at Washington State University, and PhD of University of Kentucky. His research interests including the subsurface water flow, carbonate aquifer investigation, application of lattice Boltzmann method and so on. He has published more than 90 papers, the whole citations is 1530, the h-index is 17, the i10-index is 24 according to google scholar. Has published the book entitled “Lattice Boltzmann Modeling: An Introduction for Geoscientists and Engineers” which has been cited more than 590 times. He is the associate Editor of Vadose Zone Journal, and the Peer Reviewer of many foundations and journals.

For more information about Michael Sukop, you can visit his website:




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