On the beginnings of the extant N cycle - a genome-informed analysis
发布时间: 2010-06-07  作者:  浏览次数: 515

添加者:pyb   时间:2010年6月7日   点击数: 412

报告题目:On the beginnings of the extant N cycle �C a genome-informed analysis
报告人:Professor Martin G. Klotz (路易斯威尔大学)


Professor Martin G. Klotz
Evolutionary & Genomic Microbiology Laboratory
Department of Biology
University of Louisville
Dr. Klotz is a Professor in the Department of Biology as well as an associate in the Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology. His research focuses on the molecular evolution of metabolic moduls in bacteria, performs benchwork and in silico experiments using standard molecular genetics techniques. Dr. Klotz has published in numerous different peer-reviewed journals of nearly 50 papers and has co-authored one book. Dr. Klotz presently has research support from the NSF and the DOE. He is on the editorial board of ASM journals and a member of several grants review panels for the NSF, DOE as well as other foundations.

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