• 电法测井进展综述
    发布时间: 2012-04-20  作者:  浏览次数: 719

    添加者:pyb   时间:2012年4月20日   点击数: 446
    报告人:王自力(Tsili Wang)
    主讲人简介:Tsili Wang is a senior Staff Scientist and Project Leader at Baker Hughes INTEQ. He received a Ph.D. in geophysics from the University of Utah in 1993. He was a postdoc researcher at the University of Utah(1993-94) and at Schlumberger-Doll Research (1994-95). He joined Baker Atlas in 1996. His interestsinclude wireline and LWD tool design and data interpretation, borehole imaging, numerical modeling, and petrophysics. He has published about 80 technical papers. Tsili is a recipient of the Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention) from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and a co-recipient of the SPWLA Best Symposium Paper Award. He is a member of SEG, SPWLA, SPE, and IEEE.
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